Emergency Sick Leave Bank

The Emergency Sick Leave Bank (ESLB) has been in existence since March 1996. The purpose of the ESLB is to provide members of the ESLB with additional sick leave days when a member exhausts his/her own accrued sick leave days due to a catastrophic illness or injury. This benefit has provided significant assistance to members who otherwise might find themselves with no reasonable sources of income while they concurrently sought to cope with a debilitating illness or injury

Who may join the ESLB?

Any regularly-appointed teacher.

How do I request days from the ESLB?

Members of the ESLB may request days from the ESLB by completing a “Request for Emergency Sick Leave Days” form below.

Who approves/denies ESLB requests?

In accordance with Article 4-9, a five member committee reviews each request and renders a decision to approve or reject. The committee is comprised of three members appointed by the Union and two members appointed by the Superintendent.

How do I join the ESLB?

Teachers join the bank by making a one-time (non-refundable) donation of five (5) sick leave days from their own sick leave reserve during the annual open enrollment period October 1 – 31.

If I donate five (5) sick leave days to the ESLB, will I be disqualified from the Sick Leave Bonus?

No. Donations to the ESLB do not disqualify otherwise eligible teachers from participating in the Sick Leave Bonus.

When can a member submit a request for days?

All requests for use of the ESLB shall be made in writing at least thirty (30) days prior to the date when the time will be used or at least fifteen (15) days prior to the eligible teacher beginning use of his/her own accrued paid leave time due to an illness or injury. Members absent from work due to a debilitating illness or injury should begin the application process prior to exhausting their own sick leave days. Delays in submitting a request with the proper medical documentation may result in a loss of pay.

How many days can I request from the ESLB?

Eligible teachers requesting sick leave days from the ESLB may make an initial request of no more than sixty (60) days. A request for an extension may be made by submitting a new registration form and supporting medical documentation.

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Deadline to apply June 24, 2025