President’s Message
“We, the teachers in the Providence Public Schools, having organized ourselves as a labor union to utilize fully our combined strength in the cause of public education…”
These words, which come from our Preamble, demonstrate that from the inception of this organization, the members of the Providence Teachers Union have set their goals on improving public education for the children of Providence. As a professional organization, the PTU represents over 1800 members.
We are committed to working collaboratively to ensure our members and students are provided with the working conditions necessary for a positive learning environment. Establishing competitive salaries and benefits will reflect the tremendous and valuable work that comes with the teaching profession. We are dedicated to ensuring that our schools are a place where our children, their families and the community at large feel safe and supported.
As a PTU member for over two decades, I have witnessed how hard my colleagues work each and every day. I have participated in amazing professional development opportunities presented by our own PTU members. I have shared in the struggles that come along with this profession and watched as members come together and offer support. I have also had the opportunity to see our members through a different “lens.” That lens being the lens of a parent. I have watched my own children thrive with the support of our PTU members. Members who have shown up for my children, and all the children of Providence, at sporting events, literacy and math nights, science fairs, school plays and honors nights. Members who go above and beyond to ensure that the children of Providence are prepared for the real world and set up for success.
Our members are truly the best and I am honored to serve as the President of this organization.
In solidarity,