Monday, March 10, 2025

Welcome to the PTU website!

The PTU has a proud history of representing all of the teachers of Providence from long-term substitutes in pool to regularly appointed teachers  We are a professional organization that is over 1900 members strong and growing.

Imagine your working hours being at the whim of administration? Imagine that if you are female you would be terminated once married? Imagine pregnancy being just cause for termination? Imagine no duty free lunch? Prior to gaining the right to collective bargaining under the Michaelson Act, teachers worked under these and many other unthinkable conditions.

Today’s Providence Teachers Union is progressive and solutions-driven and steadfastly committed to teacher’s rights.  We have learned from those who have come before us and will leave a legacy pf professionalism long after we are gone. Always focused on improvement of your salaries, benefits and working conditions.

As a 20 year veteran, I have long believe that Providence was the best place to teach and had the best teachers anywhere.  This was due in part to the fact that my mother was a teacher here and I thought, and still think, she was one of the best teachers any parent could want for their child.  My mother, my colleagues and my friends make that sentiment a reality-every day in your classes. Each day, each year  you are asked to do more with less, maintain the highest standards and be role-models and mentors to the children of Providence- a job you embrace each and every day.  Why? Because we care about our students and their families.  I have said this before and I will say it again, Providence Teachers are “the Best of the Best!” and I’m am honored and privileged to be the president of this organization that represents such an amazing group of educators.

Since May we, the Board and I, have identified many goals and initiatives that our Union will be undertaking. Having heard from you, our members, on issues that matter to you most we are looking to increase the ways in which we communicate, increase membership participation.  We welcome your comments, questions, concerns and ideas.  We want you to be actively involved in this union-our union.  We invite you to come to town hall meetings, join committee’s and help us restore your belief and ongoing support of this organization!!  

Together we can make this union the best as we represent the best!

In solidarity,

Maribeth Calabro